MarkeTech Business Consulting




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MarkeTech Pricing

MarkeTech Business ConsultingDepending upon the scope of your project, pricing for our services can be wide-ranging. One thing is for sure, the cost for MarkeTech services should not be considered an expense. Every dollar applied toward developing your business or marketing your products or services is merely a means toward greater profitability.

As a general rule, MarkeTech will charge a one-time fee to begin the process of assessing the scope of your project and conducting the required analysis of the business issues impacting your desired goals. From there, monthly management fee is assessed to implement and manage the recommended actions, Initial consultation is free... you have absolutely nothing to lose so conact us now.

Any Opportunity is Worth Consideration

All businesses have one commonality... they all need some form of market awareness. Whether your business has a formal marketing budget or you are struggling to make ends meet, we can help. 

Our free-form pricing structure allows us to consider all forms of compensation for our services. Some clients with formal marketing budgets and prefer to pay MarkeTech for services rendered in the traditional sense. Other companies prefer to pay a commission based on the performance of our recommendations. 

No matter what, don’t hesitate to contact us and let us know what you’re thinking. If your company is passionate about providing a product or service, our company is passionate about finding a way to connect supply and demand. Even on a shoestring budget, we can find a way to increase you bottom line!

 Complete Business Development

Internet / Web Marketing

Search Engine Optimization

Always Start with a Viable Plan.

The starting point for your profits is a solid business and marketing plan. We can design your plan from ‘start to finish’ or pickup where you left off.

The Internet is a Powerful Tool.

The Internet is a powerful marketing tool. More prospective buyers are using this powerful tool each year to find products and services within your industry.

Fine-tune your Ad Campaigns.

Search engine advertising is a daunting task. Correct targeting and complex analytics are essential. Use our expertise to maximize your marketing dollar.

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